Myostop: Myopia Control Centre


Myopia Control Centre at Tirupati Eye Centre was established to STOP myopia progression.

What is Myopia?
Myopia (near-sightedness or minus power of glasses)is one of the leading causes of avoidable blindness in the world and has become an epidemic. It has been seen that 17% children (1 out of 6 children aged between 5-15 years) suffer from myopia and this is expected to rise to 50% in 2050.With excessive usage of screens, digital or e-learning approaches for learning and with lesser outdoor activities, myopia is on an alarming rise. This progress in myopia can lead retinal damage in the form of retinal tears and detachment, which can even cause blindness if not treated in time

Adult Services at MYOSTOP Centre

  • Visual assessment and digitally stressed eye management
  • Screening for myopia complications – retina, dry eye and keratoconus
  • Removal of myopic glasses- LASIK, Phakic lenses

Children Services at MYOSTOP Centre

  • Visual assessment and digitally stresses eye management
  • Control of myopia progression 

The Myopia control Centre (MYOSTOP) has facilities for screening, diagnosing and controlling the progression of myopia progression of myopia. We also screen children for “Premyopia” who are children at a high risk of developing myopia so that their development and progression of myopia can be controlled using recent modalities of myopia management.

                Workflow of Myopia Examination at MYOSTOP (Myopia work up takes 1.5-2 hours)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is myopia? Myopia is a medical term for short-sightedness or near-sightedness. A person with myopia can clearly see objects close to the eye, but he/she will have difficulty seeing objects that are far from the eye.

Q. What are the chances of developing myopia? There are certain factors which increase the risk of developing myopia. These include:

  • One or both parents being myopic
  • Reading in dim illumination.
  • Doing a near task such as sewing, reading a small font or for a long time or using digital platforms (ex: mobile phone) especially holding the phone or tablet close to the eyes for an extended duration.
  • Recent research has also indicated that less time outdoors can also trigger myopia.
  • If you wear a prescription spectacle of incorrect power than required.

Q. How can one prevent myopia?

  • Get an annual eye examination done
  • Avoid prolonged near work.
  • Spend at least 60-90 minutes in natural light (sunlight).
  • Use good lighting for reading.
  • Take a break at regular intervals while performing a near task.

Q. When will myopia occurs?

  • Children over 5 years are at risk of being affected by myopia.
  • In younger children, myopia progresses more quickly because their eyes are growing at a faster rate, leading to higher levels of myopia, thicker glasses and more risk of vision loss.

Q. How will I know if I am or my child is affected with myopia?

  • Cannot see the blackboard/whiteboard from the last bench at school.
  • Holding books, tablets and mobiles close to the face.
  • Faces difficulty to see road signs while driving.
  • Sitting too close to watch anything on the television.
  • Squinting eyes to read or see objects that are far away from the eye.

Q. How can myopia lead to blindness and is there any prevention possible?
Myopia as it advances results in elongation of the eyeball. This causes stretching of the back layer of eye which is called retina, Retina can develop tears and weak areas called lattices which can get converted to a serious condition called retinal detachment in which retina gets detached from its position leading to sudden blindness. This can be prevented by routine regular eye check us where if any retinal tears or lattices are detected, they can be sealed with laser treatment to secure the retina

Q. What are the available anti-myopia treatment options?
We use environmental, optical and pharmacological myopia control strategies in our myopia centre. Our myopia care team would thoroughly evaluate your child before discussing and advising you on the most appropriate treatment option.

Options can be multiple to slow the progression of power of glasses. These are relatively new modalities and the MYOSTOP Myopia centre in one of the pioneers of these modalities especially of specialized glasses and atropine treatment which are in today’s time the preferred modalities for treatment of myopia progression. Various modalities include:

  • Low dose Atropine eye drops
  • Specially designed eyeglasses (Miyosmart/ Miyovision/ Stellest glasses)
  • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) contact lenses
  • Multizone soft contact lenses/ bifocal glasses

Q. What should I expect during my examination for myopia?
Following investigations would be done:

  • Orthoptic evaluation- to check on eye muscles
  • Dilated refraction- eye drops would be put in your eyes to dilate the pupil and to relax the eye to get the correct power
  • Retina evaluation would be done
  • Corneal topography/ keratometry would be done to assess the cornea
  • Axial length (length of eye ball) will be measured
  • You would be called after 2-3 days for final power prescription

Q. What is Premyopia
Premyopia is a condition before the onset of myopia. Any child between the age of 4- 6 years having a power of +0.75 D or below till -0.5 D is culled a premyopic child. At this age we usually expect a plus power of 1 D or above. However, if the power is a very low plus power of +0,75 d or below then it means that the child is at a risk for developing myopia. Such children need to be treated with special glasses and eyedrops to prevent the development of myopia and even if it develops, it doesn’t progress too much.

Our team


Some of our children who were started on myopia management


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